As a Training Partner of the Canadian Red Cross, we adhere to the strictest and highest standards, guidelines, and principles as dictated by the organization’s National Program Standards. All our courses meet or exceed all applicable Federal and Ontario legislation and regulations.

true professionals
Each course we offer is taught by Red Cross certified instructors who also demonstrate experience in the EMS or healthcare range of professions. This real world experience and knowledge is used to enhance the overall course experience, and participants directly benefit from it.

We encourage our instructors to let their “creative juices flow”. Each instructor has their own unique ideas, concepts, and experiences that they can use to “personalize” the course and make it interesting, engaging, and fun. This helps fuel our consistent highly rated feedback.
Anatomy of the Ambulance System
The current EMS system is a comprehensive mix of different levels of government pooling funds and resources. There is some interesting history into the formation of the current state of the service, particularly who does what. This is the first of two blog posts,...
ILCOR’s At It Again
ILCOR, which stands for the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation, is an international body run by member organizations as a forum on the discussion and progression of resuscitation. It's goal is to continually advance CPR guidelines to factor in the...
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